Why is duplicate content bad for SEO?Does it Affect Your SEO?

Duplicate content isn’t only a drag from a literary point of view, it also negatively impacts the SEO of an internet site .Why is duplicate content bad for SEO?Does it Affect Your SEO?

Search engines use content to make a decision which website is best for an enquiry query to point out in search results. Duplicate content confuses the program on which website it should appear within the result. If multiple websites have an equivalent answer, to whom should they provide credit? The result’s that each one websites using an equivalent content come short , while another website with unique content are going to be ranked higher because it’ll be seen as more valuable for search queries.

What is the duplicate content?

Duplicate content refers to blocks of content that are either completely just like one another (exact duplicates) or are very similar, also referred to as common or near-duplicates. Almost duplicate content refers to 2 pieces of fabric with only minor differences.

Of course, it’s natural to possess some similar content and sometimes unavoidable (i.e, to cite another article on the Internet).

Why is duplicate content bad for SEO?Does it Affect Your SEO?

Why is duplicate content bad for SEO?Does it Affect Your SEO? here we go:-

How does Google identify duplicate content?

Google can identify duplicated content in various ways, which is said to Google’s methods of crawling, rendering, and caching on the online .

One among the few methods is named “block-level analysis”, a process where Google breaks down the particular HTML ASCII text file wont to create an internet page and classifies the pages into “blocks” of code.

Based on that information, Google can then classify and weigh the impact of those blocks by the general relationship to every other.

So, we understand that the header of a web page has more impact or weight than a footer of an equivalent page and that we understand that the body content between the 2 carries even more weight.

During a similar thanks to weighting, Google places more emphasis and “value” on truly unique blocks of content. It places little or no weight and value on the block of content that appears elsewhere, whether it’s within one website or on multiple websites.

Different Types of Duplicate Content

There are two sorts of duplicate content:

Internal duplicate content occurs when a website creates duplicate content through multiple internal URLs (on an equivalent website).

External duplicate content, also referred to as cross-domain duplicate, occurs when two or more different domains have a replica of an equivalent page that’s indexed by search engines.

Both external and internal duplicate content are often as exact-duplicate or near-duplicate.

1. Internal Duplicate Content Issues

On-page elements
To avoid duplicate content issues, confirm that each page on your site has:

A unique page title and meta description within the page’s HTML code
Headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) that are different from other pages on your website
Page titles, meta descriptions, and headings contain the minimum amount of content on a page.

However, it’s safe to stay your website out of the grey area of fake content the maximum amount as possible. Search engines are an excellent thanks to see value in your meta descriptions.

If you cannot write a singular meta description for every page because you’ve got too many pages, then exclude it.

Most of the time, Google takes a snippet from your content and presents it as a meta description anyway.

However, it’s better to write down a custom meta description if you’ll , because it is a crucial element in click-through driving.

2. External Duplicate Content Issues

As flattering because it could also be , you’ve got to try to to without it. Here are duplicate content externally in several ways:

Scattered materialĀ Scraped content occurs when the owner of an internet site steals content from another website in an effort to extend the organic visibility of their site.

Webmasters who scrape content also can attempt to “rewrite” stolen machines.

How the Manual Action Penalty Works: a person’s reviewer from Google will review the web site to work out if the page conforms to Google’s Webmaster Quality Guidelines.

If you’re a victim of scraped content, you ought to notify Google by reporting Web Spam under the “Copyright and other legal issues” option.


How to check duplicate content?

If you’ve got sites that are rich in content that’s declining in their program rankings, then you ought to check if your content has been copied and used on another website. Here are some ways you’ll do this:

Exact match search

Copy a couple of sentences of text from one among your sites , put it in quotation marks, and search it in Google. By using quotation marks, you’re telling Google that you simply want results that return that exact text. If multiple results appear, someone has copied your content.

You vs Duplicate Content

let’s face it; You haven’t worked so hard to supply original content that somebody steals your work and leaves you behind in search results.

The increasing risk of duplicate content could seem overwhelming and can require tons of your time to affect , but the work involved in managing it’ll be well worth the ROI.

If you follow the recommendation given and are serious about managing duplicate content, you’ll improve your ranking and take away scrappers, thieves and clutter.

How can we handle duplicate content?

Digital marketers and webmasters, who encounter duplicate content on their websites, thankfully have many options at their disposal. They typically sort themselves into one among three solutions: markup, redirect, or content editing.

Tick off

Many pages that technically contain duplicate content even have parameter appended URL strings, like https://www.example.com/page?sort=en-lo or https://www.example.com/ page? utm_source = face book.

These pages should actually contain “duplicate” content, as they’re an equivalent page, although not an equivalent URL. Since it’s only the parameters that make these pages “different”, the parameters must be handled, not duplicate content.

Consider using the parameter handling features of Google Search Console, or use markup like rel = canonical to point to Google which URLs are known and intend copies of other URLs.


If parameter handling or canonical markup aren’t ideal options, then 301 redirects also are an SEO-friendly option. Move the duplicated page and redirect the duplicate page to the official version, like a .ht-access file to server side elements.


If neither markup nor server side redirects are an option,

it’s going to be time for website stakeholders to actively edit and rewrite duplicate content to form their pages more unique.

For such initiatives content cycles are often prioritized over projected visibility improvements or ROI and imposed like all other editorial calendar.


Duplicate content is a problem affecting many websites and about 30% of the whole Internet! If you’re affected by duplicate content, hopefully now you recognize how you’ll fix it.

We tried to make an entire guide, where you’ll find anything about the “Duplicate Content and SEO” topic.
This advanced guide to SEO and duplicate content will certainly assist you whether you’re performing some technical SEO audit or if you’re planning a web marketing campaign.

Contact us today, 1web lab SEO company in Delhi Laxmi Nagar.


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