On-page SEO techniques that will boost your rankings

On-page SEO is one of the most important processes that you can use to achieve high rankings in the organic results of search engines and to run successful SEO campaigns.On-page SEO techniques that will boost your rankings.

A website is the focal point of all SEO processes and if it is not optimized properly for both search engines and users, you reduce your chances of getting traffic from search engines.

It is important to know something on page SEO tips and tricks to help you get started with page optimization.

It is your website that is searching for Google and other search engines, so it becomes easy to search and get search traffic on their search engine.

There are some basic page optimization aspects that you need to incorporate with your website, many of which you may have never thought of before. Underdeveloped SEO earnings can greatly benefit your site SEO.

On-page SEO techniques that will boost your rankings

On-page SEO tips that will boost your rankings: 

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is a method of optimizing your webpages that follow Google guidelines to get better rankings on search engines. This in turn will bring more quality web traffic your way and help you get the conversions you want, letting people know about your business / brand, getting them to sign up for email updates, getting them to see your products. / Entice buying services, etc. On-page SEO techniques must be executed with technical SEO and off-page SEO strategy for the best, longest-lasting results. Some of the well-known on-page SEO techniques include URLs, internal linking, title and meta tags, content updation. Let us understand some more points that will help you rank better on Google SERPs in 2020

Why on-page SEO is important?

People use the Internet to meet a variety of personal needs, if to find specific, topical information, communicate with near and dear ones, shop, etc. And if your website does not meet their expectations, you can quickly Spot on Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) will lose its top search rankings.

This means that directing people to your website from Google’s search results page would be pointless if they are unhappy with the experience you have provided on your website. While good content forms the very foundation of an attractive business, on-page SEO is an important component of content marketing. If you are in it for the long haul and want to build a good online reputation for yourself, you cannot ignore on-page SEO.

1. Site Speed:

We live in an era of instant gratification and the same applies to websites. Recent articles indicate that even a second delay in loading a web page can result in a 7% drop in conversions. You can check the performance of your website in the speed department by using the very easy Google Page-speed ​​Insights tool. If you are lacking, you can do a variety of things to speed up your site, including quick hosting, a robust CDN (content delivery network) and image compression software, JavaScript, HTML and CSS resources, etc. Including doing, here is a video from Google’s Matt Cuts, which assesses site speed / page score, the page factor is important for Google to achieve a high ranking.

2. Title tag:

The title tag, an HTML tag that is present in the body of each web-page, provides an initial cue or reference to which topic it is on.

This has been shown prominently in search engine result pages (usually used as clickable links) as well as browser windows.

The title tag itself has little effect on organic rankings, which is why it is sometimes ignored.

It has been said that missing, duplicate and poorly written title tags can all negatively affect your SEO results, so make sure you are optimizing this element.

3. Meta Description:

Since the early days of SEO, meta descriptions have been an important optimization point.Meta descriptions, meta tags that provide details about a page, are often displayed in SERPs below the page’s title.

4. Crawlability:

If it cannot be searched, crawled and indexed by search engines, your web-page will be of no use to you or future users. And to make sure there are no crawl errors, you need to go through your robots.txt file to check if a significant page has not been blocked from being crawled by the Google bot by mistake. Google webmaster tool will help to monitor the health of your site and avoid such problems. Additionally, deploying structured data mark-up will help web-page crawlers better understand your content and you can also get a rich search result. If you are getting many back-links to the 404 page, make sure you redirect 301 to the relevant, relevant page to attract visitors’ attention and not to lose any goodwill. Here is a video from Matt Cuts of Google to understand more about crawling websites.

5. Headlines:

Want your website content to perform well on search? Then start writing compelling headlines.Coming up with a title for a blog post may seem very basic, but a great title can mean the difference between a click and an assumption – that’s why it’s important to make them strategically.

Your headlines need to arouse interest in it – to stand on the SERPs – to entice users and to continue to read the rest of the content.

6. Header Tag:

Your header tags provide the structure and context for your article. Each header should give the reader knowledge of the information that can shine through the paragraph text below.

A useful way to think about header tags is to compare them to the table of contents for non-fiction books:

Your H1 introduces a subject whose page is about you, such as a title telling a reader what a book is about.
H2s are similar to book chapters, describing the main topics that you will cover in the article’s sections.
Subsequent headers, H3s to H6s, serve as additional sub-headings within each section, similar to the way a book chapter can be divided by several subtopics.

7. Internal Linking:

Internal linking is big for SEO.Link your site
Many people have heard about the importance of link building for your website. I am not going into the backlink because it is a bit more in-depth and we want to cover some of the basics that you can do today.

So with this, there are two other forms of link building that can help to influence your site rank as well.

These methods, in short, help your site rank your site. Strange phrase, right?

This is because we are using the pages of your own website to influence the importance of other pages on your website. We called it as  interlinking.

The other type of link we will use to rank your site is known as external link. These are links that access external resources or links that will allow users to leave your site.

8. Seo writing:

SEO writing means writing content keeping search engines and users in mind.
There is a strategy behind writing solid SEO content – and it does more than just keyword research and fills in the blanks.
One should not produce material just for this. Remember that you are writing content for people – so that content must be high-quality, adequate and relevant.

9. Keyword still matter, but pay attention to the topic and user intent:

It is well known in the SEO world that on-page optimization means that your content is curated with valuable target keywords.

Similarly, the best practice for on-page SEO is to ensure that your content does not proceed with keywords in an attempt to game Google or Bing’s algorithm. It can be spam, and is not necessary with the sophistication of Google’s Panda algorithm.

Instead of focusing on specific keywords, focus your pages on specific topics and create content that targets these concepts. Avoid creating multiple pages that target multiple, closely related keywords – they will eliminate competition.

This means that you should think about what your potential customers want to see or read about visiting your site, and what kind of content will really help them. You can still include keywords, but be sure to think about the intent of the keyword and focus your content towards it.

10. Content Audit:

Most content creators focus on creating new content that they forget to audit their existing content. And this is a mistake.

Auditing your existing content is important because it helps you:

Evaluate whether your existing content is achieving its goals and achieving ROI.
Identify if your content information is still accurate or has become stale (or outdated).
Determine what type of material is working for you.

11. Best practice for using meta robot:

If you want to avoid sending rights to a page, but you still want to link to it, the common practice is to use a robot meta tag. Robotic meta tags instruct search engine indexing bots on how to handle links.

“No index.” This tells Google that you do not want the destination page to be indexed.

Even if you allow them to crawl the page and explore it, it will not be added to the search index and will not appear in Google search results.
“no follow.” In practice this command tells search engines like Google not to crawl the link’s destination page, and in fact it tells them to essentially ignore the link. Google can choose this command as a “prompt” and crawl the link anyway.

12.Submit Your Sitemap:

Google is able to crawl most sites by going from page to page and searching for links to new pages.

But you can help index your site more often, and make sure that every page crawls by submitting a sitemap to Google.

You can do this in your Search Console.

Go to the sitemap section of your portal and submit the URL backend for the location of your sitemap. Once it is submitted there is no reason to resubmit it. Just make sure your site map is up to date and only has live (status code 200) pages.

There are different types of Sitemaps, but common ones include HTML based pages that are visible to users or XML Sitemaps.

13. User Rating:

Increasing the on-page SEO elements of your website is only half the battle.

The other half lies in ensuring that users do not bounce – but instead, they will keep looking at your content, interacting with it, and coming back for more.

Recovering engaged users is a big challenge in itself, but it is certainly notable. To increase user engagement, pay attention to aspects like site speed, user experience and content optimization.

14. Schema markup:

An increasingly popular element of on-page SEO is the practice of incorporating structured data or schema markup code.

schemas (also called structured data) are not a ranking factor for search engines.

Schema can be helpful for explorers and can make your results more attractive. When appropriate this can help improve the click-through rate on your site and is good for eCommerce sites.

Some of the most popular forms of structured data include JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa – each with different types of markup,

but giving the same results and all supported by Google.

Google wants all webmasters to follow best practices for establishing schema markup, so they provide information and warnings about potential issues using Search Console.

You can also use the Structured Data Markup Helper to learn more about creating schema markup for your site.

15. Duplicate content:

Duplicate content occurs when the same content appears in more than one location on the Internet. This can be on a single URL or multiple URLs.

All content should be original and unique apart from obvious things like citing someone.

It is a best practice to keep the meta description unique to each page.

16. Keywords and Synonyms:

As the web continues to grow and develop, keywords are becoming less important as they were before, but they still play a role.

When using keywords in the content of a web page, we now use them in a related phrase that carries keywords or synonyms.

17. Formatting content on the page:

Formatting does not guarantee that your content will be read, but it improves the readability of published content. We recommend using the following on-page SEO techniques to promote readability.

Font and color: Google recommends 16-point fonts and above to reduce the need for pinching and zooming for mobile users. The text color used in relation to the background color should increase readability.
Title: Use the title to provide a logical flow to your content. In addition, we recommend that you use anchor links to allow users to exclude classes they consider important.
Bullet Points: A list allows users to skim and quickly find the materials they are looking for.
Paragraph: Break down your content into shorter paragraphs to increase readability.
Supporting media: Use images, videos, and other media mixes to complement your content.

18. Core Web Vitals:

Despite Google’s best efforts, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) has not been a successful initiative. More than 2 billion sites use AMP, but based on a study conducted by W3Tech, this is only 0.1% of websites. The AMP Carousel ranks your site for the performance you usually see for the top stories on Google search.

With Core Web Vitals, Google is trying to measure users’ experience on the web and also optimize sites for top stories that don’t use AMP. We believe that part of the SEO techniques on your page to optimize your site for your web page will gain more prominence in 2021.


On-page SEO helps you build a loyal reader / customer / site visitor base with numerous repeat visits.

If you are hungry for evermore on the latest in the world of digital marketing, keep coming back here often. Still, struggling to rank your website higher on Google SERPs? No Worries, we will help you to rank higher on Google SERPs via our SEO Services.

These are some of the most important on-page SEO best practices that you should focus on. For more information about on-page SEO and how to optimize your online business, contact our team. We provide a full array of SEO services and marketing strategies. Contact us at 1weblab, SEO company in Delhi Laxmi Nagar, India


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